Resilience is the foundation of everything. Children who are supported in their childhood in a non-threatening way do not cry without a reason, or grow up to be adults with no coping skills. These children are able to form healthy relationships, maintain good boundaries, set goals, communicate, negotiate and have good self-esteem, body image and the rest.

When resilient kids become adults. they become strong, kind, non-judgemental and open minded people. They become parents who teach good coping skills to kids and so the circle of life begins again 😉

Right now, all of us have had imperfect backgrounds. Most of us are imperfect parents. That’s ok. We’re here to learn, but let’s learn because without changing the way we look at resilience and life skills, we may find ourselves living the same life we were a decade ago.

This is WHY i do what I do. This is WHY i publish all these resources. Because unless people find ways to recover from their trauma, unless people stop passing these onto their children, we are in trouble. And I will never accept this.

So today, I invite you to look into my, and anyone’s resilience strategies to start making a change xoxo

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