Today I spoke about self-care on Dr Stephanie Azri’s hub about the importance of self-care.
Self-care allows us to recharge our bodies, have a positive relationship with ourselves, re-energise our batteries for others, be better prepared for tasks such as work, study or family commitment.
I keep hearing from my clients and the clinicians I supervise that they don’t have time or money to self-care, so I thought it might be important to stress strategies to self-care in a way that is free, quick and fun. There is a whole chapter dedicated to self-care in my new book “Unlock your resilience“, and most of the tips suggested are FREE.
For example, my favorite self-care strategy is my Saturday morning routine. I have a shower (IN PEACE), wash my hair, exfoliate with $2 gloves from the cheap shop, blow dry my hair and put gloss on. This takes a whole thirty minutes and makes me feel like a million dollars.
Some people I know just listen to podcasts on their way to work, go for a walk in the morning, play with their pet or treat themselves to a yummy hot chocolate.
Here are some things you might want to try:
- Exercise
- Eat nutritious food
- Get your hair done
- Meet up with friends
- Have a shower
- Go for a run/walk
- Write in your diary
- Read a magazine/Book
- Call a friend
- Attend a workshop/Webinar
- Buy yourself a treat
- Stand up for yourself
- Be kind to yourself
- Surround yourself with positivity
- Hug your kids or someone you care about
- Punch someone you hate ahahah KIDDING
Go on? Find some more and let us know how they worked out for you 🙂
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