Podcast Series… The guide to life as a couple

This podcast introduces a relationship guide written by Dr. Stephanie Azri, focusing on communication skills for couples. Dr. Azri argues that effective communication is essential for a happy and successful relationship, and she provides specific techniques to improve verbal and nonverbal communication. The text stresses the importance of using “I” messages, practicing active listening, and choosing the right time and location for important conversations. It also emphasizes the need for couples to communicate regularly, even about everyday matters, in order to build a strong foundation for deeper conversations. Listen to this short podcast to hear all the details 🙂

Listen to today’s podcast

(Click on the headphones to listen to the summary podcast of chapter 2 of the REAL guide to life as a couple)

Do you need some support in learning to communicate with your loved one? Why not contact me and see how improved communication can help 🙂

Couple counselling, couples therapy, sexology

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