Podcast Series… The guide to life as a couple

This podcast discussed chapter 3 of a self-help guide for couples focuses on the importance of effective communication and negotiation skills in romantic relationships. The author emphasizes the need for couples to learn to be assertive in expressing their needs and opinions while respecting their partner’s perspective. The guide provides specific strategies for having constructive conversations, including the use of “I” messages, open-ended questions, and a clear articulation of the issue at hand. The author encourages partners to approach disagreements as opportunities for compromise and to prioritize the health of the relationship over personal victories. The text concludes by offering practical exercises for couples to practice these communication and negotiation techniques. Listen to this podcast for all the details 🙂

Listen to today’s podcast

Click on the headphones to listen to the summary podcast of chapter 3 of the REAL guide to life as a couple

Do you need some support in learning to communicate with your loved one? Why not contact me and see how improved communication can help 🙂

Couple counselling, couples therapy, sexology

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